Local History Blog
This is East Main Street looking East toward Ela Street--way back when. From the Arnett C. Lines collection at the Barrington Area Library.
If you have photos to share, please email Kate at kmills@balibrary.org.
We hope you are enjoying this colorful time of year. The Glen of South Barrington photo, courtesy of William Rose. If you have photos to share, please email Kate at kmills@balibrary.org.
The Womens Relief Corps #85 was the driving force behind the Soldiers and Sailors Monument in Evergreen Cemetery. It was dedicated in 1906, making it 115 years old this year. If you have photos to share, please email Kate at kmills@balibrary.org.
The ducks are enjoying winter at Flint Creek. Photo courtesy of Citizens for Conservation. If you have photos to share, please email Kate at kmills@balibrary.org.
Barrington High School was built in 1950. Here, students enjoy some quiet reading time.
If you have photos to share, please email Kate at kmills@balibrary.org.
Built in 1927 by Wright Catlow, this theater is still going strong after 93 years in business. The photo on the left is from 1930 and is courtesy of the Catlow Theater.
If you have photos to share, please email Kate at kmills@balibrary.org.
Founded in 1966, The Barrington Area Development Council (BADC) is a not-for-profit civic organization with a long history of sponsoring initiatives and organizations that have benefited the Barrington Area community. Learn all about them at their new Facebook page at https://t.co/aX9b4oKdSO?amp=1.
If you have photos to share, please email Kate at kmills@balibrary.org.
This is the last week of school for these students in 1913. We thank the Castle Family for sharing this photo with us. If you have photos to share, please email Kate at kmills@balibrary.org.
Winter in Barrington. Falling snow made things interesting for Bob. W. at Flint Creek Savanna, February 19, 2000. This photo is courtesy of the Citizens for Conservation. If you have photos to share, please email Kate at kmills@balibrary.org.
Winter in Barrington. This is Bob the Dog and Dorothy enjoying the snow This photo is courtesy of Tim Dunn. If you have photos to share, please email Kate at kmills@balibrary.org.
This Barrington family spans three generations: Mother, Jennie (known as "Toodles") and Grandma in the Fall of 1924. This photo is courtesy of Art Rice. If you have photos to share, please email Kate at kmills@balibrary.org.
Harold Lipofsky was a Barrington icon, being a village trustee, president of the Chamber, Commander of the VFW, active in scouting, helping to organize the auxiliary fire department, leading the fight against polio through the March of Dimes and helping to organize a chapter of the Rotary here in Barrington. Best known for his family's store, Harold contributed greatly to this community and will never be forgotten as Barrington's ambassador. This photo is courtesy of Barbara Lipofsky March. If you have photos to share, please email Kate at kmills@balibrary.org.