April 26, 1902


Drama at Oakland hall tonight.

H.E. Maiman transacted business at Waukegan the first of the week.

Rev. Thiele of Fremont was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Maiman Tuesday.

C.L. Pratt and son Robin returned to Chicago Monday, after spending a few days in our village.

Fred Wynkoop of Woodstock and Frank Wynkoop of Chicago spend Sunday with their parents in our village.

The village bonds have been issued for two thousand dollars for the purchase and improvement of the village park.

John Brand returned to Waukegan Wednesday to finish his work as jurymen on the petit jury for this term of court.

The Mystic Workers will hold a special meeting next Wednesday evening, April 30, for the purpose of initiating a new candidate into the order. All members are requested to be present.

Mrs. Etta Neville and family, who have occupied rooms in the Mrs. C.L. Pratt residence for the past month, has moved into K.V. Werden’s residence, recently vacated by J.W. Cook and family.

The anniversary ball at Oakland hall last Friday night was attended by about 75 couples. Music was furnished by Prof. Hertle’s orchestra of Chicago and no one failed to enjoy this, one of the most pleasant events of the season.

Miss Eloise Jenks is making extensive improvements on the front of her building, having the old porch torn down and replaced by a new one. The small-light windows will be removed and replaced by large, double thick lights, and when it is finished it will be a decided improvement to the village.

The four act drama entitled “The Wives of Woodmen, or What Insurance Did for Melvina,” will be given at the Oakland hall this evening. A laughable farce, entitled “Burglars” will precede the drama. Don’t fail to come out and spend the evening of real enjoyment. Admission: Children 15 cents, adults 25 cents, reserved seats 35 cents.

The school election last Saturday evening proved a very interesting affair. There were two directors to be elected, the term of M.L. Powers having expired and G.W. Hubbard having resigned. There were several candidates in the field and after the ballots were counted it was found that F.L. Carr and A.C. Stoxen were elected. The selection of these two gentlemen is generally conceded to be as good as could have been made, both being deeply interested in the school work. F.L. Carr, previous to coming to our village, conducted a school at Ringwood and thoroughly understands the work and requirements of a teacher. Although Mr. Stoxen was never connected with the school, he is a man of good judgement, and we trust that harmony will prevail.


Mrs. Foster of Elgin was a visitor last Sunday.

Walter Livingston of Chicago visited his parents last week.

Mrs. H. Unwin and daughter Flossy are visitors in DeKalb county.

Rev. Wykoff, pastor of the Congregational church, was taken quite sick Tuesday.

Mrs. Gilmore leaves for Ireland soon to join her husband who went there six months ago.

Mrs. Julia Gardener of Barrington has been the guest of her son, A. Hendrickson, the past week.

Mrs. G.P. Lord has placed four large and beautiful India rugs in the ladies’ parlor at Library hall.

The Independent order Odd Fellows with the daughters of Rebecca, attended church here Sunday in a body and Rev. Wykoff preached an elegant sermon.