August 29, 1902


Fair next week, September 2, 3, 4 and 5.

John Welsh of Chicago spent Sunday here.

J. Golding transacted business in Chicago Wednesday.

Dr. C.W. Sowles of Palatine was a pleasant caller here Friday.

Harry Graham of Barrington spent Sunday here with his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. S. Reynolds of McHenry called on friends in our village Sunday.

C.E. Whitcomb of Chicago is spending the week with friends and relatives in our village.

Mesdames J. Welsh and Chas. Lamphere of McHenry were guests of Mrs. H.T. Fuller, Monday.

Wm. Tekampe and son Urban of Waukegan spent the first of the week with relatives and friends here.

Miss Vera Geary returned home Sunday, after a week’s visit at Long Grove with her sister, Mrs. Zimmer.

Mrs. Johnston, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Smith, returned to her home in Chicago Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Zimmer and son Leo and Miss Emma Zimmer of Long Grove were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Geary and family Sunday.

Mrs. Patrick Welsh and daughter, Miss Anna, who have been spending the past six weeks in our village and vicinity, returned to their home in Minnesota, Tuesday.

Miss Mille Hutchingson returned to her home in Elgin Monday, after a week’s visit with friends here and vicinity. She was accompanied by Miss Ruth Smith, who will spend the week at Elgin, attending the carnival.

C.L. Pratt returned home Friday, after a week’s trip to the Black Hills, S.D., where he is interested in mining land. A company has been formed to develop the claim and we shall expect to hear favorable reports in the near future.

The republican caucus held in our village Saturday was the most exciting we have ever witnessed. There were 224 ballots cast; L.C. Price receiving 137 and A.J. Raymond 87, which gave Mr. Price the delegates from this town for support at the county convention at Grayslake, where he secured the nomination for county treasurer over Mr. Gridley of Waukegan, by a vote of 175 to 18. We feel proud of the distinction our townsman has attained by this nomination, which means his election, and with a man as capable as he, Wauconda will have no fear of any but a good record for her town during his term of office.

What might have proved a disastrous fire started in the dental office of L.E. Golding in the Hughes building, Saturday. Dr. Golding recently purchased a new gasolene furnace and while at work the gasolene in the glass receptacle overflowed to the floor and, evaporating, drew the blaze and almost instantly spread to about the building. M.W. Hughes occupies the rear of the room for furniture and it made good material for the fire. The alarm was sounded by the fire bell and the engine and hose cart were hurried to the scene, but the “bucket brigade” was doing effective work, and before the hose was laid the fire was nearly extinguished, but not until it had done about $150 in damage. Mr. Hughes figures his loss about $100, fully insured. Dr. Golding estimates his loss at about $30, with no insurance, and the damage to the building, owned by H. F. Hughes, will probably reach $20, which was not insured.


Sam Lipofsky was a Chicago visitor Sunday.

George Batz of Fremont was here Thursday.

Walter Oleson of Gilmer was a caller here Tuesday.

H. Heifer drove a bus load of patrons to Fort Sheridan Monday.

Adam Boxberger of Dundee was a pleasant caller here Friday.

Will Gilbert of Wauconda was calling on friends here this week.

Chas. Will entertained his father and sister of Elgin this week.

Alderman Roche of Chicago was calling on friends here Thursday.

Mrs. T.W. Dailey, Mr. and Mrs. Awado and Miss Minnie Weldon of River Bend were pleasant callers here Thursday.

Miss Grace Forbes of Crystal Lake is a guest of her brother this week.

The extra gang employed at Consumers Ice Co. were laid off Wednesday.

Lou Geary, the popular bartender at Bicknase’s is enjoying a week’s vacation.

Chas. Hacker of Fremont is working for Ernest Branding at the carpenter trade.

The threshing season has opened in this vicinity. Farmers are too busy to say good morning. The average is 50 bushels to the acre.

The ball game played here Sunday between the Americans and Arlington Heights was a complete land slide. The score was 26 to 3 in favor of the Heights.

Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Bamingsen, E.J. Adams and wife, J. Stead and wife, and Mrs. Wm. Stead of Elgin are camping on J. Koffin’s place on the lake shore.


Miss Mary Wilbur of Chicago is a visitor.

Mrs. Jennie Caldwell of Elgin was a visitor last week.

Arved Taylor of Cary was at G.F. Arvedson’s last week.

The Woman’s Relief Corps meets on Friday, September 12th.

Mrs. Frank Hitchcock has been visiting friends in Chicago.

Miss Mildred Sleeper will teach at Wheaton the coming year.

Mrs. Hiram Brown of Mason City, Iowa, was here this week.

Gertrude Disbrow is a guest this week with Chicago relatives.

Mrs. Frank Maxwell of Chicago visited Mrs. Will Disbrow last week.

Jesse Miller of Elgin has recovered from his late illness and was here this week.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Smith celebrated their silver wedding anniversary last Friday evening.

Will Henry and daughters, Misses Alma and Iney, have returned from a visit at Milwaukee.

Mrs. Nat Dillon and Miss Rachel Henry returned Sunday from an extended visit in the East.

Artie Joslyn, son of Mrs. Ella Burritt Joslyn, preached at the Dundee M.E. church last Sunday.

A shameful fight between two of the young married men employed at the bolt works, was witnessed on our streets one day last week.

Rev. Warner, a minister from Wisconsin, preached a temperance sermon here Sunday evening to a good congregation.

Next week Wednesday occurs the 35th reunion of the old 52nd Ill. regiment at Dundee in the Congregational church. Dinner will be served at noon by the ladies of the W.R.C.

Excursion rates to county fair at Rockford, Ill., via the North-Western line. Excursion tickets will be sold at reduced rates August 30 to September 5, inclusive, limited to return until September 6, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R’y.