October 31, 1902


Election next Tuesday.

Dance at Oakland hall next Friday evening.

J. Miller of McHenry was a business caller here Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. M.W. Hughes were Chicago visitors Wednesday.

Frank Barbian of McHenry transacted business here Wednesday.

L.C. Price returned home Saturday, after a week’s campaigning.

John Golding and H.E. Maiman transacted business in Chicago Thursday.

Dr. and Mrs. McChesney of Edgarton, Wis., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Hill.

Frank and George Wright of Libertyville transacted business in our village Tuesday.

Dr. Wells returned home Thursday, after spending a few days at the horse show in Chicago.

The dance at the Oakland hall last Saturday evening was not largely attended, although a very pleasant time is reported.

Misses Rosina Reynolds, Rose Justen, Messrs. Harry Duffy and L.E. Traver of McHenry were guests of Miss Irene Golding Sunday.

Prof. L.K. Fuller went to Chicago Saturday to meet his wife and family, who are coming to our village to make their home, having rented the Dr. Freeman residence.

Mrs. H. L. Grantham went to Milwaukee Monday to have her eye treated. Her sight has been failing for the past two years and now she has entirely lost the sight of one eye.

A republican rally will be held in Oakland hall this Saturday evening. G.R. Lyon and candidates for county offices will be present and address the gathering. Everybody invited.

A.K. Stearns, independent republican candidate for legislature, spoke to a good gathering at the Oakland hall last Thursday evening. He spoke at some length and thoroughly explained his position in the race.

Mr. Clyde A. Golding, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golding, and Miss Lida Ford, daughter of M.S. Ford, were united in marriage at 8 o’clock Tuesday evening in Chicago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Oaks, Rev. Wheating performing the ceremony. They returned to our village Wednesday evening, where a wedding reception was held in their honor at the home of the groom’s parents, attended by a gathering of their intimate friends. Mr. and Mrs. Golding will make their home in our village and we wish them many years of happy married life.


Lou Geary was a Chicago visitor on Friday last.

Sam Lipofsky visited with Chicago friends Sunday.

I.B. Fox of Barrington was a caller here Thursday.

E.A. Ficke made a business trip to Chicago Monday.

Herman Prehm was a Barrington visitor Thursday.

L.B. Wayman of Arlington Heights visited here Monday.

Wm. Bicknase was a Chicago visitor Monday and Tuesday.

Miss Edith Seip is visiting relatives in Chicago this week.

Mrs. James Flood visited at Joliet the fore part of the week.

John Ebberson is now working on the Dailey farm, near Cary.

Miss May Dailey of Cary was a pleasant caller here Wednesday.

T.W. Dailey of River Bend was a pleasant caller in town Tuesday.

Wm. Boyer entertained several of his friends from Lockport Sunday.

A free show is billed for Monday, November 3, in the village hall. Don’t miss it.

Mrs. H. Seip and daughter Emma visited in Chicago Wednesday and Thursday.

A.J. Raymond and Harry Richards of Volo were pleasant callers here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John O’Neil and children of Waukegan were pleasant callers here Monday.

Henry Seip, the veteran auctioneer, is kept busy now-a-days. He has had a sale every day this week, and is also doing a little electioneering for county treasurer on the side.

Miss Julia Courtney of Chicago is visiting at the home of John Forbes this week.

Miss Mary Schaffer visited with friends in Joliet and Hammond, Ind., the past week.

Mrs. John Meyer and son Frank attended the Wise-Zimmer wedding at Long Grove last week.

A large delegation from here attended the John Hironimus sale on the Adam Renther farm at Lakes corners, Thursday.


Mr. and Mrs. G.P. Lord of Elgin were visitors Monday.

Mrs. W.H. Fuller and Miss Edith Morse of Dundee were pleasant callers Tuesday.

Mrs. Whyhoff and Mrs. Hendricks were Chicago visitors Tuesday and Wednesday.

Miss Florence Miller and Edward Smith of Barrington Center were married Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Milhuff, jr., of Chicago have buried their only son, aged five months.

Mr. Johnson of Batavia will speak at the evening service at the Congregational church Sunday.

Misses Edith and Florence Baker were delegates to the Christian Endeavor to a convention in Chicago, Tuesday and Wednesday.