October 12, 1901




Mrs. L. Peterson is on the sick list this week.

Mr. and Mrs. August Meyer spent Thursday is Chicago.

George and Frank Kelsey made a trip to Dundee Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. O. Butte of Cary visited friends here Thursday.

George Kelsey and Wm. Gardner spent Wednesday in Dundee.

Mrs. J. Doyle and daughter spent Thursday of last week in Chicago.

Misses Pauline Rassmussen and Margaret Peterson returned to Chicago Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Zimmerman are spending a few days with friends at Algonquin.

Mrs. Peckman and daughter Lucile and Hazel returned home on Monday from Milton Junction, Wis.



C.A. Golding visited with friends in Chicago Sunday.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. M.S.Clark Monday, a daughter.

E.L. Harrison of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday here.

Mat Freund and Lee Murray were Johnsburg visitors Monday.

Miss Eloise Jenks is reported on the sick list at present writing.

H.B. Burritt of Barrington called on friends in our village Saturday.

Mrs. L. Shumway of Waukegan is spending a few days with relatives in our village.

Otto Waelti returned home Saturday, after his trip to the Beaver Dam Wisconsin fair.

  1. Krauskopf and M.W. Hughes transacted business in Chicago the first of the week.

Page Smith returned home Monday, after spending a few days with friends and relatives in Chicago.

Mrs. Eutie Woodhouse returned home Monday, after a few days visit with relatives in Chicago.

Albert and Mary Baseley and Mrs. Wm. Baseley visited friends at Waukegan the first of the week.

Fred Griswold returned home Monday, after spending a few days with friends and relatives at Waukegan.

Will Lamphere is now filling the position of barkeeper for A.E. Kirwan, Robt. Kirwin returning to Chicago.

J.M. Fuller and J.E. Gainer left for Buffalo exposition Saturday. H. Golding and Jas. Murray have also gone. They expect to remain a week.

A.L. Price returned Wednesday, after a month’s visit in the East, attending the G.A.R. encampment at Cleveland, the Pan-American at Buffalo and other places of interest.

G.C. Roberts closed the ice cream soda season Wednesday by inviting teachers and school pupils to indulge for the last time this season. The invitation was accepted, and as soon as school was out all went to the drug store and were served.

A party of nine Mystic Workers went to Ivanhoe last Thursday evening to attend the entertainment and supper given by Ivanhoe lodge. The program was short, due to the absence of the musicians and others who had agreed to come, but the supper made up the deficiency. All returned home well pleased with the evening spent. 

A basket social and entertainment will be given by Miss Vera Geary and pupils at the Vasey school next Friday evening. A fine program has been arranged for the occasion and C.P. Thomas has been engaged as auctioneer, which assures a lively sale. All ladies are requested to bring baskets and help make the evening a pleasant event. All are invited.

Miss Leila Glynch entertained a number of her young friends at the home of her aunt, Miss Mary Glynch, Wednesday evening. Games and music was the order of the evening and at 11 o’clock lunch was announced, of which all heartily partook. Then games were renewed and it was about 12:30 when all adjourned, having spent a most pleasant evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham were tendered a pleasant surprise reception in the M.W.A. hall Monday evening in honor of their 25th wedding anniversary. Mr. Graham was invited to attend a card party given by the Royal Neighbors and, in company with his wife, responded to the invitation. The invited guests had nearly all assembled by this time and Mr. Spencer then arose and announced that the reception was in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Graham, celebrating their silver wedding anniversary. Eighty-one guests were present and the evening was most enjoyably spent at cards, carroms and social chats. Refreshments were served at 11 o’clock, consisting of coffee, cheese, cake, pickles, dessert and fruit. The gifts presented consisted entirely of silver coin and at 12 o’clock, as the guests were about to leave, Mr. Graham thanked all most heartily for pleasant surprise and the gifts presented.



Mrs. Sarah Miller of Wheaton was a visitor last week.

H.G. Sawyer and wife were recent visitors at Woodstock.

John Tolostad is again at work for the Illinois Iron and Bolt Co. here.

There was no school Monday owing to the teachers visiting other schools.

Mrs. Wm. Carter and daughter, Miss Minnie, were visitors here last Friday.

Stuart Miller is painting the outside of Jas. Congdon, jr., house on Wisconsin street.

The Huntley family who recently vacated the Earlensen residence, have moved to Aurora.

Mrs. Maggie Matthews visited her daughter, Miss Ella, at Evansville, Wis., this week.

Clark Miller, George Mitchell and Willis Hendricksen went to Silver Lake nutting Monday.

Ballots were cast at the last annual meeting of the Congregational Guild and officers elected as follows: President, Mrs. Jennie Warner; vice-president, Mrs. Nettie Wilburn; secretary, Mrs. Dan Davidson; secretary, Mrs. Ed. Swartz.